If you are an artist looking for printing services or someone just looking for high quality prints of your photos, this is something I can do for you! I have invested in several Epson art printers for assorted types of jobs, mostly because I do reproductions of my own artwork and cards. This means, I can offer this service to you! I am more expensive than Staples or Walmart, but my inks and papers used are of the best quality and I am not making the money they are, I can tell ya that!


Step one: Let’s make sure your artwork is ready to be printed! If you have a high quality image that is as representative of your work as you would like, that is great! I can just print it on your desired type of paper. (art matte, ultra premium matte, rag, etc). But if you don’t have this, I can also do this for you and you would move onto the next step…

Step two: Photographing/scanning and colour matching your work. I charge a one time fee of $20 per image to do this. This does not cover my time, but will cover the test printing done during the editing process. I will get your image to match as closely as possible to the original artwork, although it can be difficult to be exact. Once that is done, the file is saved (and can also be sent to you) and can be used for any future printing. I usually require the artwork for a day or two for this process. I also request that no more than 5 are to be done in one round. It is very time consuming :)

Step three: So, your image is ready to go! Pick your paper, pick your size and whether you would like it to be matted or not. I do keep a variety of sizes in a standard natural white mat, so this is always an option. Prints, matted or not, will come packaged in plastic and backing individually, unless requested otherwise. Image cost is based on what size paper is required. I encourage people to try to print their works in standard size, but we can always make it work.


I can print up to 17x22 on my printer, but usually recommend going smaller for photos, as after 11x14 size, paper tends to get a little warpy without being mounted. That said, I can still do it! There are a variety of types of paper you can choose from, but typically I used a satin pro lustre. Not too flat, not too shiny. If you have a preference on paper type, we can find something for you. I do not edit the photos, unless specifically asked to or required to for size, so it is always best to send along the files you know are the biggest and best. If your photographer sent you a google drive to view your photos, sometimes that can also just be shared.